Elite Executive Leadership Assessment
Circle 360 & Global DISC™ Programs

Unlock your team’s hidden potential!

58% of people say they trust strangers more than their own boss,
and nearly 70% of employees are actively disengaged. ❞ – ICQ Global


❝ 81% of employees are seeking new employment ❞
HR stats, 2024


❝ A lack of appropriate management skills
makes employees 400% more likely to quit ❞
TP, 2024


❝ 90% of strategies fail because people
think and behave differently ❞
HBR, 2022

Are you ready to reduce churn and burnout?

Imagine a utopia where your teams are excited to collaborate, personalities and egos are left at the door, and every connection is based on mutual respect and understanding.

Are you ready to build your utopia?  We leverage decades of scientifically data-driven best practices and partner with you to elevate your teams, remove toxicity, and unleash your suppressed superpowers.

We are a fit  for you and your organization, if...

you feel helpless and know you can be doing better

complete mental and physical burnout is imminent

you're tired of living in the drama triangle

you need to motivate your organization

you're teams just don't get each other and need to communicate better

you're org desperately needs psychological safety TODAY!

We are NOT a fit  for you and your organization, if...

you are not able or ready to put in the work needed

you've accepted that this is just how it is

you think someone with a magic wand can solve your problems


If YOU are at a point of burning out because churn or infighting is draining your teams or it's putting you at risk of losing your job, then we're here to help.


Are you ready to build high-performing teams faster with industry-proven programs?

"ICF accredited, multi award-winning behavioral model explaining how personality type and cultural background influence all 3 layers of identity; WHAT, HOW and WHY we do act, feel, and think the way we do." – ICQ Global

Bridging the gap between our intention and the actual impact on others is the foundation of great leadership. Global DISC makes this process clear and highly actionable. ❞ – Marshall Goldsmith - The Only two-time Thinkers 50 #1 Leadership Thinker.

Executive Coach Mel Reyes - Global DISC™ Assessments

Global DISC™ Assessment Program

Executive Coach Mel Reyes - Leadership Circle 360 Assessments

Executive Coaching Leadership Circle 360 Assessments

Are you still wasting time dealing with leadership silos and egos?

The Leadership Circle Profile™ (LCP) integrates the latest research on leadership, psychological, and adult development and is considered the leading edge and global standard in assessment methodology.

The LCP has been statistically validated through rigorous, third-party analysis as an effective coaching assessment tool for leadership development.

Unlock your team’s hidden potential!

Coach Mel has lived the dramas and traumas of delivering in highly competitive and toxicly challenging situations.  He's mastered several ways to see and build insight, create a common language, and help leaders purge egos while elevating untapped potential.

Enterprise Leadership Circle 360, Team DISC, or Global DISC™
Professional Team Assessments, Reviews, & Tools
Contact Coach Mel

Global DISC™ or Shared Team DISC profile library and Team assessments

Industry leading Leadership Circle 360 / DISC Assessments, Insights, & Reports. Optional: Premium Tool integrations with Outlook, GMail, & LinkedIn.

Professional team assessments, Reviews, & Reports

Introspective Values Alignment Review

Quarterly Check-Ins